Movement Prep for Meditation

As we inch near a new year I often receive questions about establishing a consistent seated meditation practice. Committing to a steady seated practice can feel daunting. And, just like any other type of practice, it can take time to establish a rhythm where you feel fully settled.

My number one advice for folks who are looking to settle into a seated practice: Find a seated shape that feels right for you. It can be frustrating to prepare for seated meditation and then two minutes in all you can think about is how uncomfortable you are.

My number two advice for folks who are looking to settle into a seated practice: Move your body before you sit.

Although the Eight-Limbed Path outlined in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras doesn’t have to be interpreted as a step-by-step, chronological guide on how to live a more disciplined, meaningful life, I do believe there is some intention behind placing asana before the more meditative, contemplative aspects of the path. By moving the physical energy of the body we might be better prepared to sit in meditation.

You might try on this short movement practice to prepare your hips, knees, and spine before you settle into your seat.

1 - Baddha Konasana - Bound Angle Pose

Place the soles of your feet together and widen your knees. Depending on the mobility of your hips and spine you might keep your torso upright with your fingertips planted on the floor behind you. If it feels right, hinge forward from your hips and take your hands forward. You might elevate your hips with a yoga block to support a longer spine.

2 - Anjaneyasana with a Side Bend - Kneeling Lunge

Step your right foot forward into a lunge and place your left knee down. Place your right hand on your right thigh and reach your left arm overhead. Lean your torso to the right and continue to reach your left arm overhead. If you have more range of motion, you might place your right hand on a yoga block or on the floor. Repeat on second side.

3 - Bhujangasana - Cobra

With your belly down, separate your feet hip distance apart or narrower with your toes pointed back. Place your hands along side your upper to middle ribs. Hug your shoulder blades down and together. Pull your elbows in toward the midline. As you begin to lift your chest and upper ribs, press the tops of your feet down, frontal hip bones down, and create a pulling back action with your hands. Your Cobra can stay low (like pictured above) or play with lifting your middle ribs off the floor as you continue to hug your elbows and shoulder blades in.

4 - Seated 90/90

Think of this as a variation on Pigeon Pose.

Place your right shin parallel to the short edge of your mat and your left shin parallel to the long edge of your mat. Most of your body weight will be toward your right hip and both knees will be at a 90-ish degree angle. Either keep your torso upright or fold forward. If you do fold, fold straight forward over the front shin or toward the front foot for a deeper outer hip stretch. Repeat on second side.

5 - Reclined Twist with Eagle Legs

Lay on your back with your knees bent and your arms extended out wide. Shift your hips toward the right edge of your mat and wrap your right leg up and over your left leg. Let your knees fall toward the left side of your mat. You might inch your hips to the right to stack your right hip on top of the left hip. Repeat on second side.

6 - Sukhasana - Easy Pose

Cross your right shin in front of your left shin. You might keep your spine upright or fold forward. If you feel stress or strain in your lower back you might elevate your hips with a block, folded blanket, or cushion. If you do fold, consider adding some side to side movement with the torso to explore different sensations for the lower back and outer hips. Repeat on second side.

One last thing to consider: Keep in mind that your meditation practice does not have to be from a seated position. There are meditation practices that include movement like walking or moving through shapes… like your asana practice.