What Keeps You Coming Back?

Currently I’m in the midst of a new type of busy.

At one point in my life I was hustling around the Twin Cities teaching 15-20 yoga classes a week. At the end of each day I was physically exhausted and needed lots of couch time to decompress. However, even when my schedule was full from guiding others through their practice, I knew I needed to carve out time for my own yoga practice. At that point in my life my practice was mainly a laboratory to work out what I’d be teaching in my upcoming classes. Or I’d do a practice that would prepare me and prevent injury for whatever demonstrations I’d be doing that week in the classes I taught.

In those days, I came back to my yoga mat to stay limber and spark some inspiration as a yoga teacher. I also needed my yoga practice to keep me grounded. Fluttering around from studio to studio can feel taxing. Rolling out my mat was one way to for me to shut down the hustle - even if just temporarily.

Now my life looks a bit different.

Rather than driving around the Twin Cities with a car full of sweaty yoga clothes and various yoga props, I now have a dog (or two) in my backseat. We’re on our way to offer social-emotional therapy dog sessions during a time when young people and adults desperately need mental health support. What I feel now is a different type of exhaustion.

And, due to this different type of exhaustion, I still need to carve out time for my yoga practice.

I now show up on my yoga mat in a different way than I had a few years ago. Usually my practice is physically quiet. I almost always prioritize sitting and breathing over working through sequences or increasing my mobility in preparation for big shapes.

Even though my practice looks different than it may have 3 or more years ago, I still show up. I continue to come back because I know my mind and body need me to keep coming back.

I keep coming back to my yoga practice so that I can show up more fully for the students in my therapy dog sessions.

I keep coming back to my yoga practice so that I am calmer and less reactive during challenging interactions.

I keep coming back to my yoga practice so that I am more present when I am with my family and friends.

I keep coming back to my yoga practice because it just feels good.

So I ask you, reader, what keeps you coming back to your practice?