What Are You Training For?

Over the last few years a new word took center stage in my life:


In the late 2000’s and early 2010’s the word, for me, typically corresponded with some type of yoga teacher training. As in “I’m leading a teacher training” or “I’m spending all sorts of time in San Francisco to complete my 500-hour teacher training.” That was all the training I knew.

Then, some time in 2018, the word took on new meaning. I had started to invest more in my physical fitness and was inspired to try my first triathlon. I spend a lot of time training so that I could complete the swim, bike, and run. I found that I enjoyed the actual triathlon event, but there was something about the training that brought me so much happiness.

In 2020 the word added another meaning. I took on a new role as a dog trainer and the word became synonymous with training humans and their dogs and helping them develop strong relationships.

In 2022 training became all about running. I trained for a couple 10 mile races and my first half marathon event.

That brings us to now. If 2023 had a personal word counter, training would be at the very top of my list.

I’ve got training for yoga teachers, dog training classes, half marathon race training, and my latest endeavor - training to become a personal trainer. Although the areas are quite different, they all require tremendous focus and discipline. And I think that’s what I like about the idea of training. In order to reach my goals and support others reach their goals, there has to be a good plan and consistency. I am always down for a good, detailed plan!

But training doesn’t have to be about reaching some specific goal like getting a personal record in a race or successfully holding a challenging yoga shape. Training could be a mindfulness practice that trains your mind to stay calm and focused during mentally challenging moments. Training could be learning to do a deadlift and increasing your load over time so that you can continue to feel good while picking up your kids/grandkids/pets/groceries as you age.

Training can look and feel different for everyone. So, what are you training for?