
Need a little pick-me-up in your day?

Consider adding these six shapes into a practice. Perhaps you only have ten minutes. Take the ten minutes to move your body. Trust me. You’ll feel better after.

1 - Urdhva Hastasana Variation - Standing Backbend

Stand with your feet hip-distance apart. First take the time to get your feet grounded. Then reach your arms behind you, face your palms toward each other, and interlace your fingers. You can also hold a towel or strap if the front of the shoulders are feeling tight. As you stretch your knuckles down, lift the front of your chest up while gathering the shoulder blades in toward your spine.

2 - Anjaneyasana - Kneeling Crescent

Step one foot forward into a lunge and set your back knee down. Send your arms overhead either with your palms together or seperated. Press firmly into your front foot. The hips might drop forward, however, draw the front rim up your pelvis slightly upward toward your lower ribs. Repeat on second side.

3 - Virabhadrasana II - Warrior II

Step one foot forward with your toes pointed toward the front, short edge of your mat. Step your other foot back into a long stance with your toes turned slightly inward toward the front, short edge of your mat. Bend deeply into your front knee and straighten your back leg. Reach your arms apart and energetically reach through your fingers. Repeat on second side.

4 - Reverse Warrior Variation

Use the same stance as Warrior II. Reach your front arm up and your back arm down. Bend your top elbow and hold the backside of your head. Actively press your head into your hand and your hand back into your head for a deeper side stretch. Repeat on second side.

5 - Ustrasana - Camel

Kneel with your knees about hip-distance apart. Place your hands on your lower back or hamstrings. As your lift your chest up, draw your shoulder blades toward your spine and tilt the front rim of your pelvis up toward your lower ribs. Rather than dropping the head back, maintain some length on the backside of your neck.

6 - Urdhva Dhanurasana - Wheel

Lay on your back with your knees bend and feet placed about hip-distance apart. Place your hands outside your ears with your elbows draw in toward the midline of your body. With an exhale breath briefly press the the top of your head and then firmly press your hands into your mat. Continue to push your feet and hands down and lengthen your arms. Bridge Pose is an excellent option here, too.

After working through these shapes you might finish with an easy twist and an outer hip opening shape like Half Pigeon, Double Pigeon, or Reclined Ankle to Thigh Pose.