Soothe Your Senses

Feeling a little stressed out? Need some time to unwind?

Integrate these six postures into your day!

Hold each shape for 5 to 10 breaths… or really as long as you want. If your intention is to calm down and turn inward, I invite you to approach these postures in a soft, relaxed manner and intentionally lengthen your breaths.

1 - Seated Twist

Sit with your right shin crossed in front of your left shin. Ground your right hand on the floor behind you close to your pelvis. Place your left hand on your right knee or thigh. Lengthen your ribs and spine up away from your pelvis and rotate to your right. Repeat on second side.

2 - Seated Side Bend

Like the first shape, cross your right shin in front of your left shin. Take your right hand to your right about a foot or so. Lift your left arm overhead with your plan facing down. Lean into your right hand and side bend to the right. Resist from lifting the left half of your pelvis away from the floor. Repeat on second side.

3 - Sukhasana - Easy Pose

Cross your right shin in front of your left shin - just like the two previous shapes - and fold forward. If you feel stress or strain in your lower back you might elevate your hips with a block, folded blanket, or cushion. When you fold forward support your forehead with a prop to ease tension from your neck and shoulders. Repeat on second side.

4 - Baddha Konasana - Bound Angle Pose

Place the soles of your feet together and widen your knees. Depending on the mobility of your hips and spine you might keep your torso upright. If it feels right, hinge forward from your hips. Similar to Sukhasana, you might elevate your hips and/or support your forehead with a prop.

5 - Half Pigeon

Lay the outer edge of your right shin and knee down on your mat. Turn your hips forward toward the front of your space. There’s many ways to set up your legs in Pigeon, for this practice go for mild sensation. Place your right knee slightly outside your right hip. Lengthen your left leg behind you. Fold forward and place your forehead on something. Repeat on second side.

6 - Viparita Karani - Legs Up the Wall

Just as the name suggests, this shape allows for you to literally put your legs up a wall. Scoot your tail close to a wall and extend your legs straight up. If available, elevate your sacrum with a bolster, cushion, or a folded blanket. Place your thigh bones directly above your hip sockets to allow the legs to rest in the joints. Soften the back of your head, shoulders, and arms.