Preparing for Twists

I have a soft spot for twists. I once dreaded them and now I absolutely LOVE them!

On more than one occasion I’ve had students approach me after a class and ask, “Erin, when will we be done with twists?” Typically my answer is something along the lines of, “Not any time soon.” (Insert wink emoji.)

I enjoy the many concepts that live within twisting shapes and the preparations that can support sustainable twists.

Are you working on your Revolved Triangle or Revolved Half Moon Pose? Try on these preparatory shapes before getting all twisted!

1 - Ardha Uttanasana - Halfway Lift

When exploring a twisting shape you might find that you’re able to move with more ease if you work with a long spine. Halfway Lift is an excellent shape to prep with to accentuate length in your ribs and spine.

I’m a fan of actively pressing your hands into your legs, blocks, or the floor to get more extension and length through the spine. At the same time, draw your shoulder blades back toward your pelvis to widen your chest.

2 - Virabhadrasana 2 with Front Shoulder Stretch

This front shoulder stretch could be added to a whole list of shapes, but I like it in Warrior 2 as it’s a great way to get the legs working and warm.

To get the most out of the shoulder stretch, hold onto your forearms behind your back and actively pull your upper arm bones apart. This way you’re stretching the shoulders while simultaneously engaging the muscles of the shoulders. It can be easy to press the ribcage forward when the arms are behind the back, so it’s best to firm your arms to your lower back and pull your front ribs back to your spine.

Take 5 to 10 breaths per side.

3 - Back Extension Variation

Similar to the previous shape, you might find that you’re more prepared for twisting shapes when your chest is open and your upper back is active.

For this back extension variation lay with your belly on the floor with your arms reaching overhead and seperate your feet about hip-width apart. Press the tops of your feet firmly into the floor and lift your hands, arms, and chest off the floor. Create fists with your hands and pull your elbows back in line with your shoulders. Reverse the movement by extending your arms forward and then release everything back down to the floor.

I like moving through this series 3 to 5 times.

4 - Adho Mukha Svanasana - Down Dog Variation

At this point you’ve established a long spine and an open chest. Next I like to address the outer hips and legs. It’s helpful to lengthen the outer hips especially when working toward a shape like Revolved Triangle.

In this Down Dog variation bend your left knee a lot, pivot your right heel in toward the center of your mat and angle your right toes out to about 45 degrees. Flatten your right foot to the floor. Actively press your hands down, look under your right arm, turn your abdomen to the right, and firmly press the pinky edge of your right foot into the floor. You might feel a stretch through your right outer hip and thigh.

Take 5 to 10 breaths and switch sides.

5 - Standing Ankle to Thigh

Another outer hip and thigh opener here.

From Chair Pose, cross your right ankle over your left thigh bone. Sit your tail down and back and lean your torso forward. Especially if you’re preparing for twisting shapes, I appreciate placing my hands on the floor or blocks to create a Halfway Lift feeling in the spine and ribs. Reach your chest forward and, in opposition, reach your sitting bones back.

Take 5 to 10 breaths and switch sides.

6 - Navasana - Boat Pose

Finally, it’s nice to add in a little core activation when preparing for twisting shapes. Boat Pose is a great go-to core strengthener when considering twists.

When setting up your Boat Pose, prioritize a long, lifted spine. Think about lifting your lower ribs away from your pelvis. You can even use your hands on the floor behind you to get an extra lift or place your hands behind your legs to pull your chest forward.

For an added bonus place a block between your legs to get your inner thighs to kick on.