Cool It Down

Confession from a heated yoga teacher: I don’t actually care for the heat.

Sure, I enjoy soaking up the sun on the beach while on vacation or hanging in a sauna for 30 minutes at a time. But do not expect me to be a pleasant human when it’s 90+ degrees and 1000% humidity for an extended period of time. I just can’t function under those conditions.

During the summer my practice mainly consists of shapes that help me cool down and get grounded. Here’s some of my go-to shapes during the steamy months.

1 - Virasana - Hero Pose

From hands and knees, sit back with your knees together and feet wider than your pelvis. If your seat does not comfortably come to the floor between your feet or if your knees are feeling a lot of tension, sit up on a block or folded blanket. You can also do this shape with your feet together and sit straight back on your heels.

Gently press the tops of your feet and shins down while sitting up tall. Take a few long, full breaths.

2 - Ardha Hanumanasana - Half Splits Variation

From a kneeling position with your right leg forward and left knee down, shift your tail back to lengthen right leg any amount - it’s okay if your leg does not fully straighten. For this variation, as your shift your tail back, stack your left hip over your left knee. Reach your chest forward in space and tug your right sitting bone back to create length in the back of your right leg.

Take about 5 to 10 full breaths and switch sides.

3 - Prasarita Padottanasana - Wide Legged Forward Fold

Step your feet out wider than your hips and point all of your toes toward the long edge of your mat. Hinge forward from your hips and, at the bottom of your fold, place your hands on your mat, legs, or up on a prop. Press your feet firmly into the floor and lift your sitting bones up in opposition.

4 - Trikonasana - Triangle Pose

Similar to your Wide Legged Forward Fold stance, step your feet wider than your hips. Point your right toes straight forward toward the short edge of your mat and angle your left toes slightly forward toward the same short edge. Reach your right arm forward and eventually reach down to place your right hand on the floor, lightly on your shin, or up on a block. Reach your left arm (the top one) toward the ceiling.

With this shape, consider creating length in your ribs, spine, and limbs. As your extend in all directions, feel your foundation - your feet - ground deeply into your mat.

Take 5 to 10 full breaths and switch sides.

5 - Vrksasana - Tree Pose

From a standing position, shift your weight into your right foot and elevate your left foot to place it on the inside of your right leg with your left knee bent and turned outward. Once you have your left foot settled, press your hands together in front of your chest. Ground your right foot into the floor and lift up through the top of your head. Consider working with a soft, calm gaze.

Take about 5 full breaths and switch sides.

6 - Jathara Parivartanasana - Supine Twist

Lay on your back, pull your right knee to your chest, reach your right arm out to the side, and guide your right knee across your body to move into the twist. Especially if you’re approaching this shape from a cooling perspective, consider keeping it really mellow. Once you feel your right shoulder lift away from the floor consider pausing at that point in your twist. Feel the support of the floor and exhale out your mouth if it feels right.

Take about 5 full breaths and switch sides.

You might wrap up these shapes with a 5 minute Savasana and/or seated meditation.